we've all done it. we look at our Facebook timeline and see a story about a war in a far off nation or a natural disaster that destroys thousands of lives. We read the stories and think to ourselves "Wow!! something needs to be done!!" so we "share" the story on our Facebook time lines thinking we are playing an important role and "doing something". The fact of the matter is this is what is called slactivism. Believing that because we share something on social media that we are actually accomplishing something.
Trust me in many ways social media is beneficial, however when it comes to trying to bring awareness to an issue in many ways its useless. Of course its not really the fault of the medium but the user. Young people nowadays are so impulsive that they will try and get themselves involved with any kind of activist activity that pops up on their timeline without doing any research on the topic.
Young people can do good things on social media, they just need a less lazy way to go about it.
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